B. Brumder
For me, it was the realization that in the 44 years of dating and marriage we had never spent so much time face to face: cooking, eating, talking, arguing, doing laundry, cleaning, gardening, and just being etc...in the same wonderful house surrounded by nature and vineyards ...turkeys, deer with fawns visiting and growing before our eyes, owls fledging their young from their nests, song birds nesting all around us and seasons changing; Spring, into Summer and now Fall. We are still face to face .
The arguing and trying to make changes in each other has slowed . This time just is that ....this time. And then the realization that as different as we each are, with the years that have gone by we can accept our differences and be happy and in love just as we are. The Silver Lining is: We are closer than ever and love each other more with our whole hearts.
The arguing and trying to make changes in each other has slowed . This time just is that ....this time. And then the realization that as different as we each are, with the years that have gone by we can accept our differences and be happy and in love just as we are. The Silver Lining is: We are closer than ever and love each other more with our whole hearts.
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