Swami Beyondananda

Swami Beyondananda
Swami Beyondananda is the alter ego of writer and humorist Steve Bhaerman, and can be found online at www.wakeuplaughing.com. 

No-so-funny quotes

No-so-funny quotes

Swami’s no-so-funny quotes:         Swami B. is not always funny. Sometimes He is deadly serious. Here are some of His quotes on Heartland Security, the love-based counterpo..

State of the Universe Address

State of the Universe Address

The Shift Has Hit the Fan …and All Heaven Has Broken Loose  by Swami Beyondananda              You say, “Heaven??  Where the hell do yo..

Wake Up Laughing

Wake Up Laughing

The Upwising Has Begun! ~Wake Up Laughing, And Wise Up Loving~ by Swami Beyondananda         Another ageless Swami, where He discusses how in the past, “there was plen..

Swami goes green..

Swami goes green..

GREEN AND BEAR IT Can Going Green Get Us Out of the Red and Keep Us in the Pink? by Swami Beyondananda “We don’t need to save the planet, just spend it more wisely.”  ..

Swami answers

Swami answers

Here are a few of Swami’s wonderful, smart Answers to questioning readers. Re. political elections, the morning-after-results remain always the same, he advises us below. Here is one of his wise..

Smart Planet, Foolish Choices

Smart Planet, Foolish Choices

I had a dream that the Earth wasn’t feeling well and went to see a doctor.         "Doc," said the planet, "I'm feeling depleted. My water tastes f..

Swami Beyondananda

Swami Beyondananda

Leave it to Swami to help us understand how we got ourselves into this "clouded" situation by living along without thinking much, so that NOW, we have to look for Silver Linings in a pretty ..