People's blog

People's blog



Lo and behold! Imagine that we all had to encounter the covid-beastie to discover that we are stronger together (just read that in some news from London) and that they found out, Duh, no, we do NOT in..

Leita A.

Leita A.

"I was observing that I got more and more sensitive to WHAT I was actually putting into my body, especially with that un-organic restaurant food we are expected to eat [here in what is called &qu..

Upside down...

Upside down...

We are supposed to send blessings to those who seek to get the better of us? I had to laugh when I saw this quote from "The International Forecaster", (insert by Bob Livingston), which wrote..



A silverlining quote we found:   "We believe this crisis represents a world-changing opportunity to expose and transform antiquated ideologies that restrict health freedom."   &..

Isabelle M.

Isabelle M.

For me, the best thing about the lock-downs was that people had to begin honoring your privacy more carefully. Especially in America, people think nothing of coming right up to someone's door. I..

Jeni M.

Jeni M.

"I LOVE the outdoor seating that is popping up in front of all the restaurants and no-traffic zones. Reminds me of Europe."..

Hvitfelt J.

Hvitfelt J.

"I experience people as actually MORE patient in traffic (we are rural, NOT city traffic) and MORE polite."..

Ben J.

Ben J.

"I have had time to make beautiful fires for my wife our the fire-place every evening, and also LOVE the thought that she has the time at last to take an Epsom-salt bath every night! What luxury!..

Melissa S.

Melissa S.

"I've noticed that the eyes of many people seem more expressive with half of their face behind the masks."    ..

T. Sanford

T. Sanford

Sharing: "The Stay-at-Home quieter life during these times has created some shining moments for me which may not have shown themselves in my previous busy life. Over the past months I have fo..

B. Brumder

B. Brumder

For me, it was the realization that in the 44 years of dating and marriage we had never spent so much time face to face: cooking, eating, talking, arguing, doing laundry, cleaning, gardening, and just..

Pam D.

Pam D.

The best thing about being shut down is enjoying the peace and quiet. You can actually hear the trees talking. It’s lovely, sitting on my balcony with a great book, or taking an afternoon nap. A..