Changing the Past?

Excuse ME – Changing the PAST??

Yes, please…we need that right now!!

       I very well remember reading – and placing for print – this article by Cynthia Sue Larson a long time ago. It gave me a bit of a jolt. OF COURSE I had done what we call “Time-Line” work as a trained Shamanic Practitioner and had also used it for decades as taught by my training in Hypnotherapy as well: Yes, of course, but you don’t mean…ehm...REALLY?

       Most of us have experienced the profound shifts that can happen when we change the EXPERIENCE of some of our past and come out on the other end with, yes, a changed reality inside of us. Right? INSIDE of us? 

       So, while not all of us moms have had the good luck that Cynthia had with her EXTERNAL time-shift and her - too far away – falling backwards  from up high with her - then - infant daughter, fetching the baby just in time before she hit the marble-floor with her head first.

       Cynthia recounts: Seeing my baby-daughter fall from up high, “I felt a rush of emotions flooding me with energy and I realized that I desired with all my heart and soul to somehow catch her” (along with all those mother who single-handedly lifted a car off off their child)…and she then describes the strange distortion of time around and inside of her as she traversed an impossible distance to catch her falling baby, with slow motion all round her. What happened here?

       Well, our dear Cynthia the scientist is clearly a bit like Rudolph Steiner was: extremely educated as a scientist and extremely psychic, making for an unusual combination of a sharp scientific approach coupled with a wonderful humility, joy and most important to us here, a lifetime of her own experiences around the rather timeless qualities of Time.

       I had the pleasure to read her brilliant article on Retrocausality. (Handshakes between the Future and the Past?) For those readers amongst you, go online and just look at Cynthia’s long list of articles, for instance on what she calls One-Directional Causality.)

Had you ever thought about Hope for the Past?

       Is THAT what I used innocently call “Chewing-Gum Time” for my little daughter? (About which, by the way, she wrote an article and has – by NOW fully grown – been given an award by some forward thinking juror.

More thought-stimulating quotes and extracts from  this article by Cynthia.

       Cynthia furthermore expertly explains what physicists call Top Down Cosmology, including Premonitions as Communications from the Future, complete with her own fascinating experiences with this, calling it “the relationship between premonition and retrocausality.” And she explains: “Because time and space are so closely connected, to the point that there is a word and a concept for both together, ‘the SpaceTime Continuum,’ we can also expect that many cases of manifestation, synchronicity and spontaneous healing can be considered to also be cases of retrocausality.
       When we see a parking space open up when we need one, when a cancerous tumor goes away, when someone calls who we haven’t heard from in years but were just thinking of, we have engaged a future end point in a way that has influenced the past. Our intentions act as targets for the future we wish to invoke, and this desired future immediately begins working on changing both our present and our past.

       In Conclusion, she reminds us that...

       On a more personal level, retrocausality encourages us to redefine our sphere of influence. We may begin to hold as much hope for a positive history as we do for a positive future, knowing we are capable of influencing both.

       At a recent symposium of physicists assembled to discuss retrocausality, physicist Daniel Sheehan of the University of San Diego commented, “To say that it’s impossible for the future to influence the past is to deny half of the predictions of the laws of physics.” [10]

       Indeed, as physicists consider the possibility of time being as symmetrical as space, we are reaching a point at which it becomes increasingly evident that we have a great deal more ability to influence historical events than most of us have ever imagined possible.

       "It will be up to us to learn how best to ask the questions that provide us with the healthiest future and the healthiest past."


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       Notes: (Please see online list of references.)

[1] Hawking & Hertog  (2006).
[2] Ball (2006).
[3] Penrose (1989: 391-449).
[4] Radin (2006: 179).   
[5] Gribbin (1998: 356).
[6] Larson (1999: 345).
[7] Braud (2000: 37-48).
[8] Leibovici (2001: 1450).
[9] Larson (1999: 214).
[10] Lafee (2006).