
I told my old, looong-running women's group the other day that YONDER-SIDE told me (which I call those guidances from the Higher Dimensions we all get from "over there", although not all of us might hear them) ... that WE were know, like Michael and Gabriel on your own higher frequencies?) This is a concept I like, of course. I ALWAYS wanted to be an Arch-Angel!
I said: "Excuse M.e.e.e!! I myself, sweet little Miss Muffet, should stand in for that thought-form we all co-created as humanity's dark, unconscious side with NO empathy or feelings? Phh! I am Prof. Dr. Dr. Empathy herself! Ha!" (My dear husband of 45 years and counting thinks when I yell at the rescue pigs...which I am of course doing because I am training them to back away from their food-"table" nicely before they eat...I am projecting on them. Ach! No, HE is projecting on Annie, thinking she is a mean pig. I am totally blameless!!)
"Well," they said, "no-one is going ANYwhere 'Up-up and away' as your further-developed folks like to say, unless you take your "Egregors" along, in this case, the dark projections you don't want to look at in yourself, you know, the stuff of "enemy-formation" and humanity's ongoing need for war, making the other side made up of God's children into some evil folk? THAT integration we are waiting for."
Humph, I thought. They can wait for THAT until the cows come home. BUT, I still like my teeny-bitsy gargoyles, don't you? They look harmless, elemental all not!

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