Our Silver Linings Blog

New Dawn Magazine

New Dawn Magazine

101 bows of gratitude to David Jones, senior editor of New Dawn Magazine, for giving us permission to place this beautiful image on our header. How can Americans find out more about America in a magaz..

Additional Inner Circle benefit coming for 2022

Additional Inner Circle benefit coming for 2022

Coming - very gently priced - benefit for Inner Circle members only, in 2022: Three-week exclusive "Energy-Clearance" stay at our California (North of Santa Barbara, rural) working farm for ..



I told my old, looong-running women's group the other day that YONDER-SIDE told me (which I call those guidances from the Higher Dimensions we all get from "over there", although not all..



Being "restricted" as we have been in so many ways has given me time to be much more alert and aware. Our 35 year-old women's group calls it, in good Sufi fashion: "I Invoke the Pre..



Lo and behold! Imagine that we all had to encounter the covid-beastie to discover that we are stronger together (just read that in some news from London) and that they found out, Duh, no, we do NOT in..

How to become part of our Inner Circle

How to become part of our Inner Circle

Regina - sheepishly - to Yury: "Yes, I absolutely said that, I remember: 'No, Yury, under NO circumstances will we make this beautiful site (for all I know designed by angels on Cloud 9)....a..

Leita A.

Leita A.

"I was observing that I got more and more sensitive to WHAT I was actually putting into my body, especially with that un-organic restaurant food we are expected to eat [here in what is called &qu..



I was thinking today that a silver-lining is certainly that we, having played with Nature all year as Apuleius of the  Roman fable did, were not turned into asses by mistake, although if anyone l..

Upside down...

Upside down...

We are supposed to send blessings to those who seek to get the better of us? I had to laugh when I saw this quote from "The International Forecaster", (insert by Bob Livingston), which wrote..

No-so-funny quotes

No-so-funny quotes

Swami’s no-so-funny quotes:         Swami B. is not always funny. Sometimes He is deadly serious. Here are some of His quotes on Heartland Security, the love-based counterpo..

State of the Universe Address

State of the Universe Address

The Shift Has Hit the Fan …and All Heaven Has Broken Loose  by Swami Beyondananda              You say, “Heaven??  Where the hell do yo..

Wake Up Laughing

Wake Up Laughing

The Upwising Has Begun! ~Wake Up Laughing, And Wise Up Loving~ by Swami Beyondananda         Another ageless Swami, where He discusses how in the past, “there was plen..

Swami goes green..

Swami goes green..

GREEN AND BEAR IT Can Going Green Get Us Out of the Red and Keep Us in the Pink? by Swami Beyondananda “We don’t need to save the planet, just spend it more wisely.”  ..

Swami answers

Swami answers

Here are a few of Swami’s wonderful, smart Answers to questioning readers. Re. political elections, the morning-after-results remain always the same, he advises us below. Here is one of his wise..

Changing the Past?

Changing the Past?

Excuse ME – Changing the PAST?? Yes, please…we need that right now!!        I very well remember reading – and placing for print – this article by Cy..

Bigger than Life...

Bigger than Life...

Well, by now I feel like a rat digging for some ratsel - goodie deep below. Look what I found in my paper-pile now! THAT sounds intriguing, no?  Shall I read on? We got re-use permission from gr..

Triviality leads?

Triviality leads?

Oh, how embarrassing! It appears that John Schumaker wrote this article many, many years ago, but did any of us “listen up?” NO! Now see what a mess we are looking at! Let me clip the most..



A silverlining quote we found:   "We believe this crisis represents a world-changing opportunity to expose and transform antiquated ideologies that restrict health freedom."   &..

Community Rebuilding

Community Rebuilding

This is, embarrassingly so, a very old article sounding “good as new”. Please do feel free to share, read our Networking poem by then-UN-secretary Robert Mueller (see below) to be inspired..

Isabelle M.

Isabelle M.

For me, the best thing about the lock-downs was that people had to begin honoring your privacy more carefully. Especially in America, people think nothing of coming right up to someone's door. I..