No-so-funny quotes

Swami’s no-so-funny quotes:

        Swami B. is not always funny. Sometimes He is deadly serious. Here are some of His quotes on Heartland Security, the love-based counterpoint to the fear-based context of "Homeland Security." This is obviously a not-so-funny twist on the term “Homeland Security”, which made me “burp up” the minute I heard it the first time on TV long ago when they”prepared the soil” for the latest human adventure. (“Oh, Dear”, I thought when I heard it the first time, “how obviously devious is THAT language-ing!”)


        “In recognizing we are interconnected and ultimately all benefit from the same beneficial conditions, we understand that our true security is in the land of the heart.”

        “By seeing we are all in this together, and living our collective and individual lives from this understanding, we can evolve human life on this planet towards greater health, wealth, happiness and functionality.”

        “Far from being a pie-in-the-sky ideal, this is a feet-on-the-ground real deal - - provided we learn to use the three most underutilized human resources on the planet: love, imagination and cooperation.”

        “The world is being transformed before our very eyes, and right under our feet. Just as surely as the caterpillar becomes the butterfly, humankind is morphing into a new species. The old caterpillar structure is falling apart, and the new butterfly is cohering, coalescing and emerging. We are the ‘imaginal cells’ that will become the butterfly.”

        “The practical purpose of Heartland Security is to empower a new ‘moral majority’ reflecting the values at the foundation of every religion, spiritual path and ethical system - - some version of the Golden Rule. In doing so, we seek to re-establish the missing piece in government by the people - - the "heart core" values of we the people!

        And Swami calls us to “institute the practice of love and cultivate the Garden we have been given.”

Imagine! He calls what we have been so busy doing “trying to fix the caterpillar”, and to rather notice our already-present capacity for love and connection. From our evolution from the single cell "every-cell-for-itself" philosophy to the multi-cell "we're-all-in-this-together."

        “In doing so, we move from survival of the fittest to thrival of the fittingest, from mutually-assured destruction to mutually-assured survival.

The serious side of Swami wants us to all agree “that America needs a Department of Heartland Security”, a sentiment people can gather around via his website www.