Pam D.

The best thing about being shut down is enjoying the peace and quiet. You can actually hear the trees talking. It’s lovely, sitting on my balcony with a great book, or taking an afternoon nap. As you say, that’s the beautiful side of all this. It’s the going out in public, watching the sheeple driving inside their cars with face masks on - (positively ridiculous and dangerous), having to line up outside to get food (but at least we have food), having to feel the fear and anxiety coming off of people, you can’t even see if anyone is smiling any more. 

We choose to stay at home, and go out only when necessary. My daughter is making dresses, painting, cooking foods we normally wouldn’t have tried, there is less stress for me not having to work 3 jobs and our garden is now in great shape - things are good here. I am grateful for that. 

Hopefully we have all learned something from this experience and hopefully eyes are beginning to open up to see just what is going on behind the scenes. When everyone is looking in one direction I tend to look in the other. 
I keep my eye on the big picture but my heart close to home.

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