Regina J.

I am finding at least 6 new Silver-Linings a day to "report" to you during these nice, enforced quarantine-times:
One of my silverlinings is that I can roam on my 5 acres and not be afraid that a single soul would suddenly arrive because our drive-way gate is closed. So no-one can watch me, along with my doggies, pee behind the bushes like a child camping-style! Ach! How nice!
Another Silver-Lining is having the time to watch my mud-eating, mud-bathing, peepee drinking rescue Piggies, Annie and Buddy who LOVE to pee into their drinking water and then drink it as if they were an Indian swami! (I guess, the fact that they are close to human DNA means, they have something to teach us??) They love to wallow delightedly in the soil we call dirt and eat from the ground so contentedly like our earth-eating South-American neighbors, while out in public, some cloth-masks are actually supposed to protect us from the world, ourselves and each other.
Silver-Lining: copy the earth-eaters of Peru where you can buy a ball of earth in the fresh-market to eat, so that they all have herd-immunity against Polio and a few other things.
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