Swami answers

Here are a few of Swami’s wonderful, smart Answers to questioning readers. Re. political elections, the morning-after-results remain always the same, he advises us below. Here is one of his wise consolations. It will serve us well right now to memorize his answer.

Reply to Hugh P. re. election-confusions:

       I am sorry to have to confirm your sad conclusion, but indeed the two big parties - - which we collectively can call Dempublicrats - - have been partying on our dime - - and we the people haven’t even been invited to the party.  Sure, there’s been political climate change.  But instead of letting the light shine through, the two parties and the media continue to cloud the issues. 

       Once again, the Democrats have positioned themselves not as a force for transforming the trance, but as the lesser of two weasels.  Imagine an ad campaign for any product that proclaims:  “Buy our product. It’s not as bad as the other guy’s.”  As long as we the people buy this illogical logic, we will be sold a bill of bads.

       So, how do we create change we can really believe in?  We can begin by changing our beliefs, and imagining something that seems unimaginable - - going to the polling places to vote for the greater of two goods. Believing is seeing, so once we see this we can take the next step.  We can throw a party of our own.  We can call it the Right To Laugh Party, and offer our own slogan: “One big party, and everyone is invited ... all for fun, and fun for all.”

       Why Right to Laugh?  Well in these times when our problems are so serious, doesn’t it make sense that the solutions are humorous?  What if we came together from across party lines to laugh at the institutionalized insanity of a system too big to not fail?  What if we laughed at the obscene foolishness of spending so much of our livelihood on weapons of deadlihood, and the utter absurdity of doing the same things over and over and expecting different results? 

Cont. below

       Why, we might get struck by enlightening, and commit ourselves to a sane asylum.  And in the wake of the laughter, we might awaken from the trance of just voting for the two candidates we are given and begin to choose our own - - candidates who serve the commonwealth and not just the uncommonly wealthy.

© Copyright by Steve Bhaerman. All rights reserved.  Swami Beyondananda - - and his hilarious books and CDs - - can be found online at  http://www.wakeuplaughing.com.  Steve’s lovely book with Dr. Bruce Lipton, Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future and a Way to Get There From Here, is available from Amazon or from http://www.wakeuplaughing.com.

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