State of the Universe Address

The Shift Has Hit the Fan …and

All Heaven Has Broken Loose 

by Swami Beyondananda 

            You say, “Heaven??  Where the hell do you see heaven?”

        And yes, if you look at the news headlines from the past year, you’d have a hell of a time finding any heaven. It’s a dogma-eat-dogma world out there, and everyone seems caught up in the bipolar insanity.
        Swami discusses the issue of disillusionment, and how in these challenging times, it’s understandable how a population can get strung out on hopium….NOT a good idea with what appears to be chronic electile dysfunction, not to mention irony deficiency and truth decay brought on by weapons of mass distraction. And let’s not forget the Deficit Inattention Disorder that led to our near-debt experience.  

American Middle Class Tops Endangered Species List

        Swami: To add injury to insult, the American middle class continued to top the Endangered Species List, caught between the lowly criminal at the bottom, and the highly criminal at the top. Maybe I’m old fashioned, but I’m nostalgic for the good old days when people robbed banks….

        Swami discusses what happened when the American people promise not to ask what the “government is doing to ‘keep them safe,’ and the government promises not to tell them. When the people choose to not see what is too uncomfortable to look at, the inevitable result is Not-Seeism.”

Time to Gather Under One Big Intent

        As a cautious optimystic, I say that contrary to the way things appear, the sky is not falling. It only looks that way because we are ascending. Yes, thanks to the evolutionary upwising and the recently declared state of emerge ‘n see (where we emerge from fear and separation and see how we are connected), we humans are better able to rise to the occasion than ever before. And when it comes to rising above whatever has been bringing us down, nothing works like levity.

        Now I certainly would never want to impose my spiritual faith on anyone else, but I must declare that I am a FUNdamentalist, accent on the FUN. While some of the less fun fundamentalists believe that heaven is above us, we FUNdamentalists believe that heaven is where we make it. FUNdamentalists are strictly non-dominational, so we have no commandments. But we do have One Suggestion:  “Let’s go for heaven on earth, just for the hell of it!”

        “OK,” you protest, “that’s the ideal, but how do we deal with the real deal?”

        It’s simple, although it may not be easy. If the uncommonly wealthy have hijacked the commonwealth, we the people must higher-jack it. And we do so by acting on another FUNdamentalist suggestion: We’re not here to earn God’s love, we’re here to spend it!

        That is how heaven is breaking loose, with people spending their love like it’s going into style. Think about it. Someone comes into a room overflowing with love, and 300 people leave with that love … and pay it forward somewhere else. Love, joy and laughter … they are the loaves and fishes of spiritual nourishment. Yes, heaven has broken loose and we are here to put it together.  Each of us – if we so choose – brings a piece of heaven. You have a little piece here, a little piece there, and before long, you have one big peace everywhere.
        So … now is the time for all those heaven-bent on planetary transformation to gather under one big intent that reflects the heart core values shared by humans the world over:  “We are here to re-grow the Garden, and have a heaven of a time doing it.”

        And when the cosmic beings ask, “Oh, by the way, how did the human race turn out?” the answer will be, “They won. They achieved Oneness and won.” This is the true second coming. The human drama achieves a pleasurable climax, as everyone comes together.

© Copyright 2011 Steve Bhaerman.  All rights reserved.  Swami Beyondananda is the cosmic comic alter ego of Steve Bhaerman, and can be found online at  And seriously … read Steve’s serious book with Bruce Lipton, Spontaneous Evolution:  Our Positive Future and a Way to Get There From Here, available at along with some free bonus articles.